from the Break Through, V. 1, P.3
This is a Droodle, or our version of one anyway. Droodles were originally drawn by Roger Price in 1953 and have served as napkin decor, rock album covers, newspaper cartoons, and most importantly, brain teasers. Why are they important? Well, they can demonstrate our limited imagination. Or, even better, they can demonstrate the power of our creative, expansive imagination.
So, what do you see?
Unfortunately, as adults we lose a bit of our ability to see beyond what’s right in front of us. We lose the courage to take risks and we worry that we’ll proclaim the wrong answer. And worst yet, when we think we’ve got the answer, or a pretty good answer, or, just an answer, we don’t have time to think up another possible answer. We go with the first one that works.
But right now, you’re on your own. No one is listening or watching you. Take five minutes and practice the critical skill of Divergent Thinking: brainstorm, without judgment, as many possible things that this Droodle picture could be. You won’t be wrong, I promise. Well, you might be if you don’t actually push yourself to come up with at least seven ideas. Here’s a couple to get your cylinders firing:
A Florida surfer riding a wave and holding a Sunkist Orange …
A pitcher throwing up-hill in the Himalaya …
A snowball fight just beginning …
And watch for next week’s Creative Spark, as we explore Divergent Thinking a bit more.