Apr 7, 2019 | Creative Leadership, Cultivating Creativity, Developing Innovative Awareness, Essentialism, Flip Phone Hack, Seeking Balance and Wellness in Leadership
This is a small reprise and rewrite of an earlier piece, but with all the smart phone articles coming out, it’s worth some more thought. “Blow up your T.V. throw away your paper” John Prine famously sang in 1971. Instead of following his advice, we created...
Aug 15, 2018 | Breaking Through, Building Community, Creative Leadership, Essentialism, Flip Phone Hack, home, Seeking Balance and Wellness in Leadership
In last month’s post, I offered a case for spending less time looking down at our phones and more time looking up and around at the world. This week, I want to offer some observation techniques or routines to practice looking up. And if you need to set an alert...
Jul 15, 2018 | Breaking Through, Cultivating Creativity, Developing Innovative Awareness, Essentialism, Flip Phone Hack
I believe there is a practice we’re losing quicker than we realize, and it was a practice that meant our survival in those ‘early days.’ Today, I think it’s a practice that sets leaders, innovators, and even happier people apart from the...
Oct 12, 2017 | Breaking Through, Essentialism, Flip Phone Hack
Yep, I still have it … that sad looking flip phone for almost a decade ago. And I bought a second one for my home office line. And neither of them are going anywhere. I’ve told stories, made jokes, and used it as a prop during talks and trainings. I...
Sep 17, 2016 | Breaking Through, Essentialism, Flip Phone Hack
Your BREAK THROUGH, Vol. 1, Post 37 There are very few people I meet who are not befuddled by the fact that the picture right up there is in fact my phone, and the only phone, that I use (I actually have two of the same version for life and business). How, as someone...