Your BREAK THROUGH, Vol. 1, Post 34 (reprise, originally written in Summer 2014)

I posed several questions last week that we might ask about industries, sub-cultures, and trends that interest us. Feeding our curiosity and creating a habit of inquiry remain key elements to our success as creative leaders. But where does that inquiry get us?  What do the answers to those questions even mean?

“Living the Dream: Starting Your Own Brewery,” is the front cover article of the August/September 2014 Rocky Mountain Brewing News, a publication about some of what’s happening in the state of beer. This article provides some answers to one set of those questions I’ve been asking …  “what challenges are on the horizon?”  What do new businesses in the industry need to know or consider?  How can brewers be successful in a landscape of such rapid growth?

As other writers, business owners, and connoisseurs contemplate this question specifically about craft brewing, I believe that what they’re learning can and should be applied to other entrepreneurial enterprises. Pay attention to one trend, adapt it to your field, and discover a breakthrough. Here are seven answers I drew from the article:

1) Know your craft, know it well, and then continually seek perfection

2) Find the right context, location, and setting for your endeavor … not everything will work everywhere

3) Invest in the right foundation, whether it’s equipment, technology, or professional development

4) Dream big … envision the future … the day you open, a year into business, a decade beyond

5) Be ready to dig deep and work hard … all-nighters aren’t just for college students

6) Be patient as you navigate red-tape, negotiate challenges, and climb obstacles to reach that big dream

7) Rely on community for advice and support … other industry professionals, mentors, friends, family

What are trends and innovative industries teaching you?