Feb 19, 2016 | Breaking Through, Creative Leadership, Developing Innovative Awareness
Your BREAK THROUGH, Vol. 1, Post 15Leadership takes on many forms. While there are only a few widely accepted, researched, and officially ‘academized’ leadership theories, and somewhere between only 12 – 20 traits or skills that a lot of people will...
Jan 29, 2016 | Breaking Through, Creative Leadership, Cultivating Creativity
from the Break Through, V. 1, P.5 Last week, we unpacked the skill of Divergent Thinking. While our brain is wired to do this type of thinking, we’ve untrained our minds to engage our inherent creativity. This TED Talk by Sir Ken Robinson offers one reason,...
Jan 1, 2016 | Breaking Through, Cultivating Creativity, Developing Innovative Awareness, Resources
from the Break Through, V. 1, P.1 TED absolutely dominates when it comes to learning about incredible ideas and cutting edge innovators. While it stands for Technology, Entertainment, and Design, TED and TEDx conferences now cover a wide array of subjects to share all...