Jan 15, 2016 | Breaking Through, Cultivating Creativity, Developing Innovative Awareness
from the Break Through, V. 1, P.3 This is a Droodle, or our version of one anyway. Droodles were originally drawn by Roger Price in 1953 and have served as napkin decor, rock album covers, newspaper cartoons, and most importantly, brain teasers. Why are they...
Jan 8, 2016 | Breaking Through, Cultivating Creativity, Developing Innovative Awareness
from the Break Through, V. 1, P.2 Take something like the common billboard … it’s been around since the 19th century. Mostly it’s a large, in-your-face way to advertise. And while the billboard has evolved with other marketing styles, it remains a...
Jan 1, 2016 | Breaking Through, Cultivating Creativity, Developing Innovative Awareness, Resources
from the Break Through, V. 1, P.1 TED absolutely dominates when it comes to learning about incredible ideas and cutting edge innovators. While it stands for Technology, Entertainment, and Design, TED and TEDx conferences now cover a wide array of subjects to share all...