Nov 12, 2017 | Breaking Through, Developing Innovative Awareness
Why do we do the things we do? One highlight arose during my daughter’s parent teacher conference last week (there were many, I love celebrating her) as we reflected on how she often can’t focus on her own work because she observes and attends to what other kids...
Oct 22, 2017 | Breaking Through, Creative Leadership, Managing Change
As it’s just two months before the end of year, and autumn, (a season when everyone seems to write about change), I thought I would join the chorus, and spend a moment thinking about subtle, incremental transformations. I live near a city park with a lake that I...
Oct 12, 2017 | Breaking Through, Essentialism, Flip Phone Hack
Yep, I still have it … that sad looking flip phone for almost a decade ago. And I bought a second one for my home office line. And neither of them are going anywhere. I’ve told stories, made jokes, and used it as a prop during talks and trainings. I...
Oct 2, 2017 | Breaking Through, Building Community, Creative Leadership
Like many, I struggle today to know how to go about ‘business as usual.’ How do we address one another via email or over the phone or as we pass-by one another on the street in the wake of these tragedies? Our work carries on, especially as we build and...
Sep 12, 2017 | Breaking Through, Seeking Balance and Wellness in Leadership
The journey towards ‘balance’ seems to come up often as I work with leaders and young professionals. Early on, I always assumed balance meant that we gave parts of our lives equal attention, especially with the on-going, ambiguous, and somewhat unhelpful...
Sep 2, 2017 | Breaking Through, Seeking Balance and Wellness in Leadership
At a low volume, Jerry Garcia plays a riff on St. Stephen as his band heads into a five-minute jam session. I look up from my computer for a moment to take in the music and read some quotes posted above my work station: “Resist, insist, persist,”...