Dear Friends, Community Members, Visionaries-

Now more than ever, I believe in the incredible strength of people and communities to realize the innovative strategies that will bring about a better world. After nearly fifteen years of working and serving in communities, I know first-hand of the creative power inherent in everyone to solve tough challenges: from young professionals that see even a closed door as an opportunity, to seasoned leaders that willingly take on new perspectives to solve a problem that seemed unsolvable, to community members with some unfathomable resilience that allows them to bounce back and try again, no matter how many times society has told them no.

At the root of this creativity is love, an empathetic motivation to take care of our family, our neighbors, and our community even when it means sacrificing our own needs and desires. Creative acts as leaders, as artists, as educators, as social workers, as nonprofit professionals, as entrepreneurs, all stem from the belief that the world we live in today doesn’t have to be the world we live in tomorrow. Collectively, we have the ability to create and invent the world we hope to see.

My work focuses on coaching individuals, leaders and organizations to design the solutions that are essential to bringing about our most hopeful visions. With this inaugural newsletter, and the official public launch of the Rocky Mountain Innovation Lab, I hope you’ll join me on this journey. Our success is dependent not on our individual triumphs, but in the ways that we collaborate and participate in community.

Read more in the Spring Newsletter, our Inaugural Edition …