Oct 22, 2017 | Breaking Through, Creative Leadership, Managing Change
As it’s just two months before the end of year, and autumn, (a season when everyone seems to write about change), I thought I would join the chorus, and spend a moment thinking about subtle, incremental transformations. I live near a city park with a lake that I...
May 2, 2017 | Breaking Through, Seeking Balance and Wellness in Leadership
About This Series The journey towards ‘balance’ seems to come up often as I work with leaders and young professionals. Early on, I always assumed balance meant that we gave parts of our lives equal attention, especially with the on-going, ambiguous, and...
Apr 22, 2017 | Breaking Through, Seeking Balance and Wellness in Leadership
The journey towards ‘balance’ seems to come up often as I work with leaders and young professionals. Early on, I always assumed balance meant that we gave parts of our lives equal attention, especially with the on-going, ambiguous, and somewhat unhelpful...