Mar 7, 2019 | Breaking Through, Creative Leadership, Essentialism, home, Managing Change, Resources
Are you mindful of how you spend large chunks of your time? Are you choosing how to spend your free time or is your time victim to routines, habits, or societal norms? Are you aware of habits that might be time sinks throughout your day? Are there things you do,...
Nov 15, 2018 | Creative Leadership, Cultivating Creativity, Developing Innovative Awareness, Developing Teams, Essentialism, Managing Change, Seeking Balance and Wellness in Leadership, Thoughts for New Professionals
How often do you feel like you never have enough time? How often do you exclaim, “I just don’t have time for that”? How often do you spend time reading posts that start like this? Let’s be blunt: “I don’t have time for that,” is a...