Mar 22, 2018 | Breaking Through, Creative Leadership, Cultivating Creativity, Developing Innovative Awareness, home, Strengthening Facilitation, Thoughts for New Professionals
Last week someone stopped me in the midst of a training and asked me to clarify what I meant by “deep listening.” The question should not have startled me as much as it did, since deep listening is a concept I refer to often. I’m glad that it did startle me, and I’m...
Jun 21, 2016 | Breaking Through, Building Community, Cultivating Creativity, Developing Innovative Awareness, Developing Teams
Your BREAK THROUGH, Vol. 1, Post 42 (reprise, originally written in Fall 2014) On Saturday, I spent a really cool morning with local high school students and their teachers at the ArtHaus (an awesome space in the RiNo which opened their doors to these student...