Apr 22, 2018 | Creative Leadership, Cultivating Creativity, Developing Teams, Essentialism, home, Managing Change, Seeking Balance and Wellness in Leadership, Thoughts for New Professionals
The Two Best Things You Can Do For Your Team I have a friend that is a flight-for-life helicopter pilot, a profession that you simply have to admire. When he visited some time ago he was intrigued by my work, both the content of my consulting and the concept of...
Feb 22, 2018 | Breaking Through, Creative Leadership, Cultivating Creativity, Essentialism, Managing Change, Seeking Balance and Wellness in Leadership, Thoughts for New Professionals
Oh, okay, it’s a little self-promotion, but it was fun to take this interview and think through this topic. I believe coaching is a powerful tool to manage change and achieve goals, while also uncovering what’s most essential to us. Have a look at some...
Jan 22, 2018 | Breaking Through, Creative Leadership, Cultivating Creativity, Developing Innovative Awareness, Essentialism, Managing Change, Thoughts for New Professionals
What frame of reference are you looking at the challenges you’re facing today? What glasses are you seeing your vision and solutions through? Are they rose-colored? Or tinted with a pessimistic brown haze? What has informed your choices and the way you see the...
Oct 22, 2017 | Breaking Through, Creative Leadership, Managing Change
As it’s just two months before the end of year, and autumn, (a season when everyone seems to write about change), I thought I would join the chorus, and spend a moment thinking about subtle, incremental transformations. I live near a city park with a lake that I...
Jun 4, 2016 | Breaking Through, Building Community, Managing Change, Resources
Your BREAK THROUGH, Vol. 1, Post 30 People cannot be free unless they are willing to sacrifice some of their interests to guarantee the freedom of others. — Saul Alinsky I question how often the wisdoms of great thinkers fade away, their time having come and...