Jun 12, 2017 | Breaking Through, Creative Leadership
Over the last twelve years I’ve had the honor of holding executive leadership roles in several nonprofits. Sometimes these opportunities have arisen because my skillset has met the demands of the tasks at hand, other times I just happened to not be in the room when...
Jun 2, 2017 | Breaking Through, Developing Innovative Awareness, Essentialism
“Can I talk to you about the rainforest today” a young man clad in plaid, sporting a beard and wearing what I think are the pair of Chocos I left in my college dorm room (more than a decade ago), asks me as I walk into my favorite Denver coffee shop. “Usually,” I...
May 22, 2017 | Breaking Through, Seeking Balance and Wellness in Leadership
For this week, I invited my coaching colleague and classmate, Rachelle Rude to explore how her role within her family and with her parents has evolved, changed, and maybe even stayed partly the same. Her approach to contemplating this evolution is a great example of...
May 12, 2017 | Breaking Through, Creative Leadership, Developing Teams
by Matt Gray, Sophia Gedion, and Jessica Previch, with insights from Trevon and Jessica Brandhorst Every team is unique as it’s made up of different individuals and has a distinct set of goals, visions, and scopes of work. While likely similar, even within the same...
May 2, 2017 | Breaking Through, Seeking Balance and Wellness in Leadership
About This Series The journey towards ‘balance’ seems to come up often as I work with leaders and young professionals. Early on, I always assumed balance meant that we gave parts of our lives equal attention, especially with the on-going, ambiguous, and...
Apr 22, 2017 | Breaking Through, Seeking Balance and Wellness in Leadership
The journey towards ‘balance’ seems to come up often as I work with leaders and young professionals. Early on, I always assumed balance meant that we gave parts of our lives equal attention, especially with the on-going, ambiguous, and somewhat unhelpful...