Feb 7, 2018 | Breaking Through, Creative Leadership, Developing Teams, Strengthening Facilitation
I am enjoying the process of deepening my facilitation skills as I train others early in 2018. And as we go through several bits of material and experiences, I update my own thinking on key topics. Here are some of my notes that might be useful to your own...
Jan 22, 2018 | Breaking Through, Creative Leadership, Cultivating Creativity, Developing Innovative Awareness, Essentialism, Managing Change, Thoughts for New Professionals
What frame of reference are you looking at the challenges you’re facing today? What glasses are you seeing your vision and solutions through? Are they rose-colored? Or tinted with a pessimistic brown haze? What has informed your choices and the way you see the...
Jan 7, 2018 | Breaking Through, Strengthening Facilitation
Though it might seem somewhat in opposition to fluid conversation, structuring facilitated dialogues can be particularly helpful when seeking to scaffold and inspire learning. Based on my post last month around the facilitator’s mindset, I wanted to offer...
Dec 22, 2017 | Breaking Through, Strengthening Facilitation
I heard from a few folks after the post earlier this month in regards to other resources for structuring facilitated dialogues, particularly around asking powerful questions. Here is one of my favorite approaches to explore right now. I’ll be back early in 2018...
Dec 7, 2017 | Breaking Through, Strengthening Facilitation
Whether leading a meeting, training on new skills, running a workshop, or guiding a team, I’ve found this acronym/reminder for facilitation incredibly useful as a base structure for most any curriculum. (Note: I use training, meeting, and teaching somewhat...
Nov 22, 2017 | Breaking Through, Building Community, Creative Leadership
I sat down to write my post for this week during our holiday of gratitude, and immediately felt as if the words were incredibly familiar. I looked back and realized that what I wrote last year for thanksgiving remains pertinent to me. So at the risk of sounding...