I believe that leaders who discover a sense of balance within many aspects of their life, are high quality, effective leaders. And whether or not you’re in a leadership setting, engaging with conversations of balance and practicing wellness principles, raises your quality of life and increases the positive impact you make on your friends, families, and communities everyday.
Our Wellness Initiative is part of a global movement that inspires leaders to manage stress, spend time on what’s most essential, and live fulfilling lives. As a Certified Wellness Coach, I can help realign your life and meet your goals within many contexts, discovering a balanced life that works for you, not someone else. Additionally, there are three more specific programs I’m excited to offer:
Do you feel like you just can’t get through to your teams some times? Is it hard to hold the vision and strategy of your organization, while still managing the day-to-day demands of tasks and assignments? Does it feel like you have to give everything over to your leadership in order to be successful, resulting in great sacrifice to the rest of your life? Leadership does not have to consume you, and our flagship leadership coaching program can help get your life back and make your leadership more effective. Ready? Contact us today.
I believe that being a parent is as joyful as every cliché tells us it is, but I also know that being a new dad is filled with a bit of anxiety and questions like: How can I best support my partner? Will I lose part of myself when a new child comes along (and is that okay if I do)? How will I manage parenthood and my work responsibilities? How can I be the father and partner I want to be? The balance between leadership and parenthood can be one of the most pressing challenges we face, and men don’t often seek out the resources they need for this amazing time. While this program can work for any parent, I’m especially passionate about bringing it to new dads. Interested in thriving during those first moments and beyond? Contact us today.
We live in a world that demands our deepest creative resources, that compels us to innovate at every turn. But whether you are a social change activist or a practicing artist, maintaining that well of creative power and your own identity can be daunting and treacherous. This wellness track for artists and activists is designed specifically to ensure that the change makers out there have the endurance, energy, and longevity to keep fighting the good fight. Don’t rely on the mystical muse to inspire the balance you need, contact us today.

As we are all different,
we need an individualized approach
to nutrition, our bodies in motion,
stress management, playfulness, and health …
Isn’t it time to discover you in balance?